Episode 193

Published on:

11th Apr 2020

🦋🧘Feeling the Change | Consciousness and Conversation in the Climate Crisis

Bronwyn Gresham hosts a conversation between four psychologists about facing the climate crisis.

About Sally

Sally Gillespie, PhD, worked as a Jungian psychotherapist for over twenty years before completing her doctoral research in climate psychology. 

Her recent publication, Climate Crisis and Consciousness: Re-imagining our owrkd and ourselves is an intriguing and essential read, venturing into our collective stories and consciousness and guiding us towards a space that has promise even in our difficult reality. Check out her book here

Sally has kindly shared her recommendations for reading and materials.  


About Christine

Dr Christine Canty is a clinical neuropsychologist with a passion for climate activism. She is involved in XR Families and the XR Outreach team. 

Listen to her incredible speech from the XR Spring Rebellion (about 20 min into this episode)

And in person here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5kWqlzW7-nw  


About Carol

Carol Ride is the founder of Psychology for a Safe Climate after being a longstanding psychotherapist and climate activist. Our friends in Dumbo Feather spoke to Carol in 2017, and the importance of inner work is as relevant now as it was then.

Recommended Reading and Resources

A great place to start is the Climate Psychology Alliance short podcasts on a range of subjects including eco anxiety, climate grief, communication, etc 


Another excellent entry point are information sheets and booklets from Australian Psychological Society: https://www.psychology.org.au/for-the-public/Psychology-topics/Climate-change-psychology 

Also very helpful are writings on https://www.climateandmind.org/ 

For an accessible psychological insights and support for climate communication and action you can download Psychology for a Safe Climate's booklets: Let's speak about climate change, Facing the heat: Stories of climate change conversations and Coping with climate change distress, all available on https://www.psychologyforasafeclimate.org/publications 

For an engaging video introduction to climate communication go to Rosemary Randall's lecture for the Cambridge Climate Lecture Series 2019 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqXtJt9OoLA

Ro Randall's podcast and blog pieces are also excellent on both communication and the activist trajectory https://rorandall.org/.

Paul Hoggett and Rosemary Randall's insightful short paper ‘Sustainable activism: Managing hope and despair in social movements” (2017) can be found at https://www.climatepsychologyalliance.org/explorations/papers/201-sustainable-activism-managing-hope-and-despair-in-social-movements

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Here Media Studios
We live in Climactic times. Climactic tells the stories of the people making a difference in the face of climate crisis.

About your host

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Mark Spencer

I'm Mark, and I'm a podcast addict. I've turned my tens of thousands of misbegotten hours binging history, comedy, and everything in-between into being a keen collaborator on audio projects (climate, local stories, place-based audio especially).

I work with passionate people to turn their ideas into published projects, when I'm not working in the renewable energy space in Naarm/Melbourne.